Really, what more is there to say? Burk is a dead ender, on almost any issue.

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This is a phenomenal piece of reporting/profiling. I hope this gets much wider exposure than just here on substack. Thanks for doing the work on this!

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The one thing underlying a lot of the ordinary people believing in fraud is the absolutely ridiculous belief that Trump could not possibly have lost the election without fraud. No one has ever addressed this - why not? The politicians, "political operatives", Trump himself and his various minions are in it for the money. But I have yet to hear one everyday, ordinary voter explain to me why it was "impossible" for Trump to lose simply by more people voting for someone else instead of him. That's the belief that pushed many people, like Burk, right down the rabbit hole of conspiracies and craziness.

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Go back to even earlier days when Staci was the Governing Board president for the Gilbert School District and almost singlehandedly destroyed it. She was a far right conservative conspiracist then and during her reign routinely threatened district staff, teachers and parents. Then she would retreat to medical issues, paranoid theories of people out to get her and a "whoa is me" storyline to get sympathy. This is the same kind of cycle for Staci. She loves a good conspiracy theory and the spotlight - until she doesn't. I would not believe one word out of her mouth that couldn't be independently verified as she has spun fantasy-filled conspiracy and other far-right Q-like theories since I first became aware of her, attended meetings she presided over and read her online posts. She has caused much chaos, pain and suffering in a lot of lives and this situation you describe is all of her own making; it is hard to feel any empathy to her plight.

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Suddenly her naming Jim Penrose on her flow chart is getting attention.

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This reporting misses a fundamental and obvious question. How did the Fed Ex worker observe election ballots being transported? Did they open the package? Did the package have a sample of its contents affixed to the outside? Was it labeled "fake ballots from Korea?" Real basic stuff.

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This is amazing reporting. I have a HUGE addition to this story.

Who gave the tip about the Korean Air plane? Ryan Hartwig. https://www.businessinsider.com/gosar-aide-tried-catch-plane-rumored-fake-votes-court-docs-2021-12. He has worked with Project Veritas. https://ryanhartwig.org/korean_air_part_1/. Guess who funds Project Veritas? You got it: The Koch Brothers and Donald Trump. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Veritas. And who trains spies for Project Veritas? Erik Prince.

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"All the lonely people...where do they all come from"? - Lennon-McCartney

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I can't believe I spent time reading this nonsense. We used to think all the nuts were in CA, but looks like it's drifting east.

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