We cannot ban an AR15 because “freedom”, but we can ban brass knuckles? I cannot wait to read Kavanagh’s tortured logic on this puppy. Just one quick question...the leading cause of death of Arizona children ages 15-17 is gun violence. How many children died in a brass knuckle attack? A person could, therefore, surmise that Kavanagh, looking at the national attention surrounding the Gilbert Goons, is trying to cash in and grab some fame and publicity. That’s pretty horrifying that Kavanagh would use the tragic death of that sweet boy, Preston Lord, for self aggrandisement with this useless and wasteful stunt..............Just the hypocrisy of this man.

I’ll think to myself, he’s just the worst, and, then, I remember AZ Bar investigation frequent flyer, “Blow Me” Kolodin.

LD3...y’all need therapy. When Joseph Chaplik is the least offensive of your legislative reps....and, he likes to drive around in his Porsche taking and posting pics of homeless people because his hobby is shaming “the poors”...

Just....yikes, LD3.

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Looks like DeTwit may have the highway blues...so...who will replace him?

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Wait, I missed the memo that Lake is known to wear a wire. Does she do this all the time and record all her conversations? Is she Richard Nixon?

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Given the state of AI, has Arizona Agenda verified the authenticity of the recording?

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I remember when the Worsely-led Senate transportation committee used to be one of the only normal committees. I guess we can throw out any hopes of them focusing on the I-10 expansion or the corridor between Mexico and Vegas.

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I miss Kelli Ward. She was a lot more fun to mock than DeWitt. Wild-eyed facial expressions. Scary-clown-smile. Rigging the AZGOP election then refusing to recount the ballots just cuz she could. And she did. Good times, those were. Good times.

Going to be hard to top Kelli. But Leezah Sun is out of a job. She'd fit nicely into the scheme of all the wild things going on in the AZGOP.

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I have said this for decades now. We are always safest when the AZ legislature is not in session.

Christopher Rufo invented the CRT controversy. He's a DeSantis acolyte.

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