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I prefer open primaries, where all flavors of candidates (R, D, L, etc) run against each other. The idea of picking a second choice in voting is not transparent enough to be satisfactory. If Republicans throw snit fits now when only one vote is cast for a position, just imagine how heads would explode if a second and / or third choice were required.

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Thanks for your discussion in today's AZ Agenda about independent voters. As one, I have felt disenfranchised for many years in NOT being able to vote in the PPE because it leads to only being able to choose from two candidates. We should be able to choose from a wider field. There are a LOT of voters that want more choices yet are precluded from that process. Simple question in the upcoming 2024 election is what if I don't want to vote for either of the 80 year old candidates? Why aren't there more choices in the early stages of the election cycle? It would be nice to focus on those questions.

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Why does it need to be a party who challenges the closed presidential preference ballot -- shouldn't ANY voter be able to do so?

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I actually just wasn't sure if any random voter would have standing because it seems like they should, but if so, how has nobody done this yet? I know the parties could pretty easily force the question because it has come up a few times over the years https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2019/09/20/arizona-democrats-debate-allowing-independents-vote-partys-presidential-preference-election/2388104001/

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Thanks. I think standing isn’t the question--the elections attorney implied that the associations clause of the First Amendment would control the issue. I’m not so sure: public funding of the PPE could be considered to open up a challenge

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You are the best! You are a critical part of the puzzle in gathering background information to allow me a shot at intelligently deciding how to cast my vote.

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I see that Wendy Rogers cheered on Jordo’s harassment of Gov. Hobbs, which is encouraging news for the real journalists out there. You now know that you can follow Wendy everywhere to ask her questions!

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Independents have chosen to be unaffiliated with any party. Uncertain why they should then insist on participating in a PPE of either party. No problem making the parties fund these elections, but if you have decided to be independent you are welcome to host, fund and provide candidates for your own PPE.

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