May 24Liked by Hank Stephenson

Enjoy your week off.

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May 24Liked by Hank Stephenson

Kudos to you all for taking the time off and being transparent about it. It's well deserved!

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Beth Reye. Hah. Just when you think it can't get any weirder. Enjoy your break...you deserve it.

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Beth Reye? Ok, I grew up in California when Reagan was governor. Prior to his election, California had the most comprehensive higher education model in the country. You had the private colleges, SC,Stanford, then the UC layer, state colleges and community colleges, which were free. That was blown up with Reagan’s tax cuts. Along with the defunding of state hospitals caring for the poor and mentally ill initially created the first homeless population I had ever seen. He seemed like a likable guy and was great with AIDS, he tried and failed as President for a border bill. Lowering taxes has consequences. As Oliver Wendell Holmes (a Republican) said, taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. There has to be a balance.

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Reagan was forced to close the state mentally ill hospitals by lawsuits by the ACLU. The book, "One flew over the Cuckoos Nest" made the issue a cause celeb like Silent Spring did for DDT. (another hoax). Reagan and the state legislature tried to create community-based treatment homes but the cities and homeowners rebelled. So, out they went to the streets and the 9th Circuit in Johnson v. City of Grants Pass allowed them to stay. SCOTUS is reviewing the case.

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